Why do people think they have to listen to the doctors and be induced when they say they need to be if there are no medical problems? Or seem to think they have to be checked for dilation at the end of their pregnancy. Everything the Drs do can be denied if there are no medical problems! Drs work for you!!! Not the other way around. Just because so and so says do this or do that doesn't mean you have to!!
7.9 лет

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@jenn61115, being in a doctor's office puts you at a higher risk for infection... And, as I said, a majority of the time doctors have your best interest at heart. I've personally never had a doctor ask me about an elective induction and if they did I certainly wouldn't be returning. It's that simple. But to categorise all doctors this way and advising people to boss around their physicians is bad advice.

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@jenn61115, being in a doctor's office puts you at a higher risk for infection... And, as I said, a majority of the time doctors have your best interest at heart. I've personally never had a doctor ask me about an elective induction and if they did I certainly wouldn't be returning. It's that simple. But to categorise all doctors this way and advising people to boss around their physicians is bad advice.

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My doctor has asked me the last 2 pregnancies at 20 weeks when I wanted to schedule my induction. I have no medical issues at all. @phinnybinz Drs want you to be induced so they know when you'll be in labor because it's convenient for them to have it scheduled rather than spontaneous. Drs checking for dilation to tell how close you are for labor pose a greater risk for letting infection in your body. @mommyhammond2016 I'm sorry your cousin lost her baby.

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it can go either way. but if the doc says I wana induce, u could ask if its ok and safe to wait a Lil longer to see if baby comes on its own. I personally dont agree a lot with doctors bc they are so quick to jump in one direction, but it doesn't hurt to ask to have it done ur way.

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Doctors checking for dialation is routine to tell how close you are to labour. I'm sure, a majority of the time, if a doctor is requesting an induction it's for a legitimate reason. True, we can go against medical recommendations. I, however, have not been to medical school. So, unless there is an absolute reason for me to believe my doctor doesn't have my best interest at heart then I will be listening.

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also she was 2 weeks over due and didn't want to get induced....

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that is true it can be denied however my cousin did that and ended up losing her baby girl due to too much meconium being swallowed it's just one person but I think that's why drs would rather have them induced and get baby out before anything like that occurs...

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