Destiny Funnell
Destiny Funnell
Alright Mommies, I did a major NoNo and really needs helps. Around a week ago, my daughter was sleeping in her crib, but she would wake up every two hours and needless to say I was only getting two to three hours of sleep and my allergies were eating me away. After I fed her, I put her on my bed and accidentally fell asleep. surprising I didn't wake up for a good 5-6 hours later! The next night I put my daughter on my bed when we went to bed and we slept for 8hours!!! Now I know your not suppose to sleep with your baby in your bed. (she takes up half my bed with pillows around her so no accidents)
Well like I said, I know thatsa big No No so last night I put her back in her crib amd she woke up again every two hours. How can i get her to sleep in her crib the way she sleeps in my bed? I lay her the se way do everything the same way she just wont stay asleep in her crib, bouncer, swing, anything. help? suggestions?

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I adore co-sleeping. I do it with both of my babies so I don't consider it no no just a preference but a portable bassinet should help a lot. Just keep it right next to your bed.
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
roll a shirt of yours that you have worn and put it in the crib with her
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
maybe she's not comfortable in her her crib, my son was like that when he was a newborn so I put blankets down and he stayed asleep.
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I let my daughter take naps with me in the recliner through the day and at night I strictly put her in her bassinet right next to me beside the bed and she sleeps about 4 hours at a time. I'm not against co-sleeping but maybe having something like that to put next to you outside the bed would help
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Honestly I'm not against co sleeping... You can get one of those small portable bassinets and put it in your bed to ease your mind a little, but your mommy instincts will keep you from harming her while you sleep. Just make sure there's nothing that she can get her face against to avoid suffocation.. @desiadi4716
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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