Alright Mommies, I did a major NoNo and really needs helps. Around a week ago, my daughter was sleeping in her crib, but she would wake up every two hours and needless to say I was only getting two to three hours of sleep and my allergies were eating me away. After I fed her, I put her on my bed and accidentally fell asleep. surprising I didn't wake up for a good 5-6 hours later! The next night I put my daughter on my bed when we went to bed and we slept for 8hours!!! Now I know your not suppose to sleep with your baby in your bed. (she takes up half my bed with pillows around her so no accidents)
Well like I said, I know thatsa big No No so last night I put her back in her crib amd she woke up again every two hours. How can i get her to sleep in her crib the way she sleeps in my bed? I lay her the se way do everything the same way she just wont stay asleep in her crib, bouncer, swing, anything. help? suggestions?