Michele Marquez
Michele Marquez
its been a week & my 2 month old hasn't made poop only pee & it's worrying me
she passes gas alot & I'm breastfeeding is it what I'm eating thats the problem?
yesterday my mother-in-law got mint leaves from her garden washed & boil them & used a little bit of sugar & mixed it to make a tea bottle fed her it & sure enough it worked right after but today its still the samething
plus due to insurance issues I have no insurance for her at the moment to get her seen by a doctor for this
I don't know what to do :(
any advice mommies?

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I would avoid giving her sugar so young, just a warning. it is the easiest and most overlooked substance to get addicted to which could set up serious problems to arise later on but also she can get cavities even if she doesn't have teeth yet. be cautious of feeding her water as well, her digestive tract may not be mature enough for it
23.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Breastfed babies sometimes go days without pooping, as long as she doesn't seem to be in pain she's fine.
29.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
their should be low income doctors near you when I didn't have insurance for her they took her in for free so go check out some places near you that way she can be seen
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
look it up and start paying attention to what you eat and how your bay acts
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
American culture doesn't believe that eating has a lot to do with babies digestion issues but it really does. what you eat affects your baby start taking things out like beans milk 1 glass per day is the mx required also you really have to drink water
24.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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