Ladies I'm starting to feel so depressed and stressed, me & my so had gotten into it so bad on Sunday bc he gets to where he takes his anger from his other daughters meth head mom out on me & this time I spoke up for myself but ended up really blowing up and he told me to get all my stuff and get out of his house so I did get all of my stuff out after literally just getting it all moved in there I'm talking about bed & dressers & all that like our house was finally coming together & I was happy & excited it was getting done before our daughter comes & then he apologizes & tells me he knows he has things to work with himself such as his anger, drinking, & issues with his other daughters mom & said he's gonna get himself right & fight hard to not lose me completely bc he knows he does really love me & that he knew he really messed everything up bad & he told me that he only told me to leave & get my stuff out bc he just says things when he's mad & angry but would have told me to come right back after a day or so but I had already moved all my stuff back out & to my mothers place bc he was being mean to me & tellin me to get my stuff out so I did & now I have nothing ready for when my little girl is born & I'm sad about us not being together as a family when she's born & I can't keep moving furniture back & forth like its some game bc I have to find ppl with a truck to help me & it's stressful & then when we see each other & talk in person he kinda acts like he doesn't even want me living back at his house anyways, our little girl is due in just a couple weeks & nothing is right or ready right now :(
It's gonna be hard and you can't make a boy be a man and make him accept his responsibilities. When you can stack up some money and pray for the best ok? It will take time but you be strong for your daughter 😊 @kirsten92
@deafmama16, thanks I'm just so upset that this all happen over his ex...that he would let her get to him & he take it out on me & would ruin things between us & us being a family so close to having our daughter. I'm trying my best to stay strong but my mind gets to wondering to much & I get really upset :(
Especially bc I'm so close to having her & nothing is ready for her now. The bedroom at my mothers I'm in is so cramped.