No my boyfriend was right by my side the whole time! When she was out he was with our daughter at the warmer then they did skin to skin while stitching me up.. Unfortunately I almost immediately felt nauseas. They took her off my chest and gave her to him while the anesthesiologist gave me medicine and held a bag by my mouth.. I dry heaved a little bit but never actually got sick. After about 2 mins the medicine kicked in and I was feeling ok then they had my boyfriend and the baby go to my recovery room while the doctors moved me over to a bed. So I was only away from them for 2-3 mins then in the recovery room I got to do skin to skin again and nursed her right after they got a weight and length! Only time I was away from her was when they did her assessments and Doctor exam! However with my son (7 years ago) I had a tough labor with him 17 hours just to stop dilating and have an emergency c section. He stopped breathing and had to go to the NICU for an hour or so then he was breathing on his own and came right to me! I was SOOO drugged up from all the meds they gave me during labor I didn't even really know what was going on...
@corrinabee My husband never left my side. He was in the OR with me and walked with me (in the bed of course) back to our room while I was holding the baby, he ran out to the waiting room and grabbed our son and he actually sat on the bed as we where wheeled the rest of the way back to the room. They did the weight and once over real quick then placed her on me and held on to her for a while. she actually latched on before we ever left the OR. They bathed her a couple hours later
every hospital is different they took the baby and weighed her and all that while they were stitching me up and when I got back to the room she was in there with my boyfriend and nurse and my mom
Thank you!! What happen like immediately after surgery after being stitched up? We're u separated from baby and SO at all?? @autumnsmommy @karnamarie @sk216
definatly stay on top of pain meds... that was my biggest mistake. I felt pretty good after the spinal wore off so I was refusing the pain meds. I swear it was the stupidest thing ever. the next day the pain was so intense. I ended up taking some pain meds but because I was already in a massive amount of pain it just took the edge off a little. if I had taken the meds when they first offered it my pain would have been maintained and I would have been so much better. again like the other ladies have said make sure you walk. it sucks a little at first but it definitely helps healing and gas pains. oh and take advantage of those nurses. they are there to help you! if you need something don't be afraid to ask them.
I second the belly band! I've had 2 c sections! Because you have loose belly skin just kinda hanging there for a little while it pulls on the incision! The belly band helps hold everything in place! Stay ontop of you pain medication! If you're feeling awake just get up and out of bed! The more you move the faster you heal!! I got up out of bed every chance I could I went home a day earlier than most c section moms because I was feeling ok! Walk slow and focus on breathing! DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR STOOL SOFTENER!!! Colace is a life saver!!
I did with this last one. Whatever you do don't sneeze, laugh, or cough lol. Just keep in mind the first 2 days are THE WORST but it gets much better after that. I slept of the couch with a bassinet the first couple days at home because getting in and out of bed hurt too much. Take it easy and don't be super women. Take your pain medicine and stay on top of it. The more walking you do the better you will feel even though it hurts.
If the hospital doesn't provide you with a support belly band, get one!
i had a emergency c section. the mesh underwear they give you is a life saver, move around as much as you can afterwards. walk walk walk. it helps, if the hospital allows get lots of pics and a video!