I woke up this morning and I can't barely walk. My thighs, butt and pelvic area r so sore I feel like I was doing squats all day yesterday. I didn't do anything yesterday besides fold laundry, which I sat on the floor to do. I'm at 36 weeks, is that normal? I don't remember being this sore with my other two! And if anybody has suggestions for this uncontrollable itchiness all over my body or what it might be please do tell cuz I can't handle it anymore! I've tried everything! Please message me instead of commenting, for some reason I can't check my notifications on the app but everything else works fine

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I made a Dr appointment to see what they say for my itching. it's every where! legs feet hands arms belly butt everything! and it doesn't matter what I do it won't stop. I've tried lotions, coconut oil, almond oil, cortisone cream, oatmeal baths, anything I could think of. The Dr said it didn't sound normal if it's that intense so he's having me go in
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
my pelvis always hurts which makes it hard to walk... the itchiness could be from your skin stretching? something that's a miracle worker for me at least it's called CeraVe moisturizing cream it's a 16 Oz container for about 8 or 9 dollars and it's like a life time supply of it
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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