can't sleep and I'm starving. After arguing with my fiance I just went to bed without eating anything. I've been starving all night:(
arguing with him definitely makes me feel so overwhelmed with life. It takes so much out of me, and exhaust me. I like to just stop and move on, because we aren't getting anywhere. He'll keep it going and throw it in my face for weeks. thing is it's over the most stupidest things. why argue so much over stupid little things that shouldn't even matter that much? He had a long day and I asked if he called the animal shelter. I apologized over and over. but that's not good enough. till hes ready for it to be good enough. He gets that shit from his mom. My family doesn't like to continue arguing. we get overwhelmed with it, we might go crazy for a bit, screaming at eachother, then walk away. later on hug and kiss eachother like we never faught. my husband doesn't let shit go. He tells me I'm a very nasty hateful person and says he wants to leave me. I'm about to pop out any day with twins. and your telling me how bad of a person I am and you want to leave. I guess I should just have my mom next to me when I have my c-section. He says stupid things to me like our twins aren't his and I must have another boyfriend because I get emotional and argue with him. I'm pregnant and its alot on me. I don't have alot of his support and understanding. I get emotional when things go wrong or something bothers me. I should be able to talk to him and not feel scared. Not knowing how his reaction is gonna take place. he's causing me to be depressed. and I'm sure just like my first born, he'll cause me to feel depressed after having the twins and alone. idk why men think that's okay. Think they should be held so high because their men. If I wasn't in a relationship with him, guaranty I will not be with another man. I've had enough of it.
Just needing to vent....