@melissababygirl1995, Oh my I'm not ready for all the pain but I know its worth it in the long run and I hope you can find something that will help you with your pain and lucky I'm due in November.
yourwelcome u will notice the further along u get and the bigger u get the more round ligment pain u will get and hip pain once u get real big and lower back pain my back feet legs hips everything is so painful right now and I'm barley gonna be 25 weeks but its just keeps getting worse like I said the pain isent gonna stop till after u give birth u will get use to it trust me it will make u feel more miserable though I'm only 6 months and 3 days and I'm already hollering get this baby out of me lol glad I'm due in September
@kejs0911, I will most likely call tomorrow if it doesn't ease up a bit but this is the worst cramp I have had so far and I want to be safe than sorry because I miscarried my first pregnancy two years ago..
yes it is very normal its just called ligament pains from ur stomach stretching that's nothing the further along u get the more painful it is I'm almost 25 weeks and its getting really painful