With my last pregnancy, I was 2 cm for about 3 weeks. I still went 3 days beyond my due date. STOP trippin over cervical checks. They don't mean much. I don't even know why doctors are checking the cervix at 35-38 weeks. It's just stressing ppl out. "I'm not dilatin" "I'm not progressing" Whaaaaaat???? You don't need to progress or dilate before you go into labor. Chill out. It will be ok. The baby is going to come out at some point.
7.9 лет

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my sister got checked at her 37 week appointment and went into early labor the next day followed by having her baby the next night. so sometimes being checked starts things!

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my sister got checked at her 37 week appointment and went into early labor the next day followed by having her baby the next night. so sometimes being checked starts things!

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@tater4414, that's exactly my point....if you've had a healthy pregnancy and no issues....then you can decline the checks and your doctor won't be able to stress you out with a number.

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Yeah i can see that, but I also think doctors have a lot to do with stressing moms out a lot!

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@tayes it is I am the same I had no signs I went in and my cervix was so short they had to place a cerclage and I'm happy to say after losing twins last year at 20 weeks due to a short cervix I am now 30 weeks thanks to God:)

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@tater4414, Clearly if there is medical concern then yes the checks are important. This posts speaks in terms of people complaining about how they aren't making progress etc and getting stressed that at 37 weeks they aren't dilated.

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exactly @preciouslove if youre having pre term contractions then you need to be checked in case there's a risk of pre term labor. Otherwise in a healthy pregnancy.....it's not important

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For some women (like me) it Uber important to be checked because of preterm problems. I started being checked at 20 weeks and it's good because my cervix is shortening and something already.

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I agree what's the point really that early I think it's only important before 34 weeks

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smh @brycesmommy I'll be declining cervical checks until I'm at least 38 to 39 weeks. I only like knowing because bad on my experience, i can Guage when to go to the hospital based on my contractions if i know how many cm i was prior to labor starting. But checking at 35 and 36 weeks like why

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I was at a 2 when I was 36 weeks, and when I was induced at 39 I was still a 2! Then went into labor and went from 2-10 in like 5 hours! Means nothing, I wonder the same when people worry if they haven't dilated.

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my doctor checked me Monday and I was wondering why so early... my cervix thicker than a snicker and its closed lol ...

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