Questions for experienced mothers (TWINS or 2+)

• What do you actually need for the baby after delivery and the stay at the hospital?
• What's the worst thing that can happen during labor?
• Did you experienced postpartum depression? If yes, how did you feel?
• How do you work your time to give each kid enough attention?
• How was your first two weeks after delivery with the handling of the babies?
• What do you think is the best teaching method while growing up?
• What worries you the most while leaving your kids with someone else?

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Damn that's a lot of questions!!! When ur in the hospital the things u will need depends on the type of delivery u may have. I had a vaginal delivery with my twins and I was there for 2 days. MAKE SURE U HAVE HELP!!! It is not easy doing it alone. U will go crazy. It does get overwhelming at times even when u do have help. Worst thing in my opinion is having one vaginal and one csection. When it comes to giving them attention it gets hard. I might bond with one more then the other. Some days I bond with my son more then my daughter and vise versa. I didn't connect with my son right away it took some days for me to but with my daughter it was immediately.
18.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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