does anyone have any helpfull tips for dealing with SPD or PGP? currently 32+5 and going a little crazy with the pain :(

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When is it that your struggling most? I had physio with my first cause it was so bad...
At night, when your turning over, put a pillow between your knees and turn, it keeps your pelvis in the right angle and doesn't hurt as much. Maternity pillow worked wonders for me for general sleeping as it supported my bump as well as being long enough for between the legs. When stood up, rock back and forth on your feet and make sure you keep perfect posture. Massage and hot water bottle/baths also helped me... Get a bump support also! That was a god send for long walks. Failing all that, get your gp to refer you for physio. Xx
17.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
thanks for replying. Yes have a support band and have seen a physio but theres not much they can do. Was just wondering if anyone had any tried and tested holistic remodies :) praying for an early (ish) arrival :) xx
17.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Have you got a under bump support belt ?? ☺️ if not you can ask to be referred to physio or try aquanatal classes.. the water really does help because it makes you feel so light and floaty lol xx hope you get some relief xxx
17.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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