My twins are still doing so good. there's still lots of fluid. cervix is high and closed. it's been staying at 50% effaced for 4 weeks now. it hasn't changed since my last appointment which is great. I went ahead and did another ffn test. even though it's expensive and I can do payments on it. I just want to know for sure. But of course this is my last one. baby A heart rate is 170 and B is 145, his eyes were also opened. and we watched them practice breathing. what's cool with twins is, I can look down at my stomach and see them practice breathing. it's pretty amazing. 36 week, c-section is definitely best. I thought maybe It would be okay to go to 37. bit there's more risk after 36wks with twins. I don't want to risk it. even if their in ncu for awhile atleast their safe. Tomorrow is my high-risk appointment. so we'll get see how much weight my little boys have gained. June 20th is so close. I'm so excited to see my babies. I'm currently 31 wks and 3 days. measuring 38 weeks. :)