Mom.life Daily
You’re hormonal, you feel huge, sex may not be on your mind at all. Or if you’re lucky, you’re libido is through the roof!

Sex is how you got into this situation, and if you’re having a normal pregnancy, intercourse may actually be the best thing for you.

1️⃣ Better Orgasms 🎉 – Increased blood supply to your pelvic area and your enlarged breasts may actually increase your sexual arousal and help you climax faster. Hurry and grab your hubby now!

2️⃣ Destress – Pregnancy and thinking about your baby stress out most new parents. However, sex and orgasms trigger a release of oxytocin, which is the hormone that makes you feel happy and content. Who doesn’t need more of this feeling, especially when your bump is growing and you’re anxious about motherhood.

3️⃣ Lowers Blood Pressure – During pregnancy, high blood pressure can be a real problem for many moms-to-be. But after orgasm, your blood pressure goes down, which is awesome all around.

4️⃣ Less Peeing – Having sex is the ultimate in kegel exercise to strengthen your pelvic muscles, which prevents incontinence. Yes!

5️⃣ Body Image – With all the changes going on, you may not always feel good about your body or your self image. But after sex, you’ll feel more attractive and positive.

6️⃣ Creates Intimacy – Having sex helps build stronger bonds between you and your SO. You’re paying attention to each other and being closer. And with your new curves, you’ll need to communicate your needs and comfort level, which will further strengthen your relationship.

7️⃣ Prevents Pre-eclampsia – A new Danish study found that sexual activity and oral sex prevents pre-eclampsia, which affects up to 8 % of all pregnant women. Sperm contains sHLA antigens that may reduce the incidence of pre-eclampsia that may harm you and your baby.

8️⃣ Stay Fit 🚴– Why walk around the block, when you can have sex with your husband? You can burn 50 calories or more with just 30 minutes of sex.

9️⃣ Sleep Better 🌜 – Say goodbye to pregnancy insomnia. Sex helps relax you and may help you sleep better, which is exactly what you need before having a baby.

1️⃣0️⃣ Prepares Your Body For the Big Day – Sex and orgasms help ripen the cervix. My OB suggested having sex after I was past 37 weeks to help push things along because semen has prostaglandins, which is the same chemicals used to induce labor.
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30 weeks today!!!

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30 weeks today!!!

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@lilbabyboy16, well congrats I got a good while before this little girl well till September

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@tapiokamocha23, 38 weeks I'm having a c section on Monday

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@lilbabyboy16 how far are you?

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@lilbabyboy16, well I'm just like you always horny so it's just like really!?! And cause I'm so stubborn I still try to go through with sex but I learned my lesson here recently! 😞

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@tapiokamocha23, yeah probably just is hormones. I just had my last appointment today so I couldn't really ask

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@lilbabyboy16, well I see my ob the 24th and I'll ask for the both of us but since I'm comfortable to talk to my manager about this than I would be with my mom I mentioned it to her and she says it's probably hormones

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@tapiokamocha23, well. I'm glad it's not just me. no I haven't talked to him, that would be super weird.. he's really old but pretty chill

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@lilbabyboy16, did you ever ask your dr about the not getting wet part? Cause I'm having that same issue! My partners reaction is smh and you use to be like a super soaker! 🙈

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My partner and I had a healthy sex life until here recently! I don't know if I'm the only one but I get wet but after probably half a min I'll go real dry! I had to stop my partner cause it was painful! 🙍🏻

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me and my boyfriend would have sex like 2 times a day everyday when I first found out I was pregnant, all I wanted was for him to touch me and just show me that affection. and now at almost 4 months I just can't bring myself to have sex as often. I feel fat and disgusting and just not attractive anymore.

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I'm so horny all the time!!! My boyfriend has been having a weird issue with getting a boner -- since before we started dating. We think it's due to his depression meds. Anywho, it's very difficult for me because all I want to do is have sex! And we really can't. Except today we did which was awesome, but it didn't last very long ... I'm trying to get him off his meds.

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I have not had sex since I found out I was pregnant. 😬 hopefully soon though.

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My sex drive was crazy at the beginning. Now at 30 weeks not so much.

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I believe a man wrote this post.

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