My boyfriend & I both decided not to give our son pacifiers because we aren't fans of it for many reasons. Our doctor said we didn't have to give him one if we didn't want to that it's a preference every parent has, that it doesn't hurt or benefit them either way. I don't judge anyone who chose to give their child one but if one more person asks me what I do when my child cries if I don't give him a pacifier I will explode. When my son cries I hold him, I check his diaper, I give him a toy, try to feed him. Babies cry for many reasons you don't have to stick a pacifier in his mouth every time. Okay I'm done!

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yeah that was one of our reasonings. @bianca_rose
16.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
We didn't use a pacifier for our first and won't for this one either. I honestly just didn't want to go through trying to get him off of it.
16.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@deafmama16, yes & i feel like they dirty unless you constantly clean them which is hard when babies take them out & throw them then pick them up
16.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
exactly! sometimes they want to be left alone too! it drives me crazy. crying his how they communicate. @earthmama
16.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
That what me and my SO are doing plus we feel it will make him spoil or mess up his teeth when it comes in plus if he loved it so much it will be hard to break him out of it when he older
16.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I agree with you. At daycare, they sometimes shove pacifiers in baby's mouths instead of finding out what's wrong.... Or they think they've done "everything" but aren't willing to think outside the box or put themselves in the child's shoes.. Is he bundled too much? How would you feel if you were too hot and couldn't take your own jacket off? Does his tummy hurt? Maybe that position would make a tummy ache worse for you too. Maybe he needs to burp or pass gas.. Can you rub the baby's back or bounce him? Maybe the baby doesn't feel comforted unless they are up on the shoulder... Why not pick them up for 5 minutes... They might be ready to play after that!
16.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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