Woke up 5am to a gush of pink fluid. Went up to L&D at 1pm and confirmed that my waters have broken, baby is fine but no contractions yet. Sent home to hopefully go into labour. Exactly 39 weeks today.
@reg265, congratulations on bubs arrival, sounds like you you had a rough go, take as much rest as you can possibly get, you sound absolutely exhausted, but glad to hear you're both well x
Ps. The EXACT same thing happened to me with my youngest boy! Like u I didn't give up till I literally had no choice! I too was exhausted! At least u gave it ur all. U poor thing :( xx
@donzbub, contractions started 1.20am, got to hospital at 2.30am at 4cm. Baby was posterior and wouldn't turn. Pain was crazy. Stuck it out on gas til about 11.30am when dr said an epidural was my only chance of getting bub to turn and descend, I needed to relax and stop fighting pain. I'd been awake since 5am Sunday and was exhausted. Had my first ever epidural. Had to place it twice. But bub wouldn't turn so couldn't descend into pelvis. My labour stalled at 8cm. OB checked me out at about 2pm, said everything was swelling but not opening, bub still high and stuck. Said I needed a c-section. I was disappointed and anxious but also so exhausted. My first ever intervention for my last baby. Went well, baby delivered at 2.22pm. Will post pic tomorrow. Just wrecked now and sore.
I can't believe I'm even saying this... Lol but.... A friend of mine was in the same position as u. She couldn't have sex so.... The next best thing... Hubby stimulated her then BAM! Contractions started... I remembered her telling me that after I read ur post... So thought I'd throw it out there ☺️ tmi I no... Apologies. Hehe
I hope it happens for you soon @reg265 they generally say within 24hours? X
@donzbub, haha I just didn't want to have to be induced! Once the contractions started though I wish I hadn't done all that! Such hell lol any progress Reg?
Yay!!!! @reg265 It's gona happen!!!!!! How exciting! Take it easy hunni!!!! Not long now!!!! @carlyanaya that's too funny!!! U really wanted that baby out hey? 😂 hehehe ☺️ xx