I'm so sick of my fiances family making my two girls feel disappointed all the time. His mom is constantly telling my girls that if they ever want to stay the night or spend time with his niece, to just call and she'll come get them. She does this every weekend. And when they do call her she tells them no. She doesn't even give them an excuse to let them down easy, just straight up no not tonight. Even when she has his niece. She promised them this weekend they could stay, so they called her yesterday and she said no not tonight but for sure tomorrow night. So they asked her today and she told them no again. They're so upset and disappointed. And she was sitting there bragging about taking my baby for a night after she's born.....um I don't freaking think so! If ur gonna treat my girls like that then u sure as hell ain't getting my baby just because this one is actually blood related! All my kids get treated equal end of story! It's heartbreaking when my kids ask why they can't go and seeing the look on their faces!