I understand all babies are different, but I'm going to share my story about FENUGREEK.
I thought I'd try it to increase my milk supply, I suppose it worked bc I've pumped almost 10 oz where as I haven't been able to pump more than half an oz in WEEKS.
My son is EXTREMELY GASSY. I've taken them for 3 days @3 pills a day 600+mg a piece. He's been screaming for over an hour and he's just now stopped.
Anyone whose ever had kids knows how miserable everyone is when a baby is gassy, especially the baby. It's NOT fun.
So, what will I do with the 10 oz I've pumped? I'm not sure yet. If I throw it, I have NO stash. Whatsoever.
Bad thing about this is, it will continue to be this way for a few days until it's out of my system.
In conclusion, I will NOT be taking ANYMORE of these vitamins as I stopped last night. My baby is just too miserable and it breaks my heart to see him hurt.. Especially if I can prevent it from being worse than it usually is..
I may be writing a letter about FENUGREEK, for I'm not the only parent whose baby has suffered with this.