need some advice! so, my fiancé has 2 little girls with his 1st wife and he has to pay child support...and before she took him to court for custody after the spilt...she swore she wasn't going to take him for child support! I knew right off the bat that was a lie! I was working at the it wasn't so bad...but I ended up quiting my job and we got pregnant. Well, I ended up getting a job it wasn't too bad again...but now I am on leave and my boss called saying they don't need me back until August cause it is going to be slow during the summer. Well, he only makes 321 a week and child support is 138 a week...the ex makes 800 a week...and we have our son and my daughter to support as well. So, after paying child support we have like no money for anything. it is hard because then we can't go out and do anything...and I know you don't always need money to go out and have fun but sometimes it would be nice to take all the kids to chuckie cheese or something. and I always have to tell my daughter we can't do something like play or sport or something for girl scouts because we have no money for anything. And if his kids ever needed anything all she had to do was ask for the money but no she went though the court. And she never has them...she pawns them off on her mom or 1 of her sister. And she has told him a few times that she isn't worried about the money that it is her mother that wants to start shit when we miss a payment because something pops up and we really need the money that week. I would like to take her back to court to lower the child support...but I don't know if something like that can be done...has anyone every done something like that.

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his oldest says mommy doesn't read books to me like you and Ashlyn do...and she says she never tickles us like you do
13.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
also KEEP RECORDS! write EVERYTHING down, when you know they aren't with her, when you or your hubby give her money (what it was for also) if the kids say anything about her like "mommy doesn't play with me or spend time with me" or "mommy says you are a deadbeat or loser" <--- just an example Idk your situation... I dealt with a lot of bs with my ex husband and my kids... all of these things helped me...
13.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
ok great thank you all so much
13.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yes you can take her back to court to change the child support order... it unfortunately might take some time but you can apply for a change in child support order anytime there is a change in income or circumstances
13.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ahowey05, you can call the division of child support and ask them. They will only recalculate every so many years
13.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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