I would never swaddle and then put my babies on their side or face down. That's just asking for trouble. And swaddling a baby that can roll over sounds terrible as well. It's defiantly preventable. Just have to be smart about what we are doing as moms and use our gut and know what is right and what's not.
"Even so, the findings should encourage parents to make sure babies sleep only on their backs, and if they're going to swaddle, to do so only when infants are too young to move out of that position during the night, said Dr. Danette Swanson Glassy of Mercer Island Pediatrics and the University of Washington."
I completely agree with not swaddling once baby can roll... from personal experience with both of mine they don't like being swaddled and bust out of it by the time they can roll.
They said that study included different forms of swaddling from different regions...
If it's dangerous why do they ENCOURAGE swaddling in all US hospitals.