Galen 🌻
Galen 🌻
OH and good news since the last time I was on.. last time I was so depressed that I was getting no where and I didn't feel like a good enough mom for my daughter. well, I got a call last week that I got new job & I start next week.. ALSO, I got my learners permit and I'll have my license by the time our babygirl gets here! I'm 23 but I failed that damn test so many times since I was 16 and FINALLY passed last week. :) things are looking up!

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sound like me. I had a learners permit when I had my son and it expired a year after he was born. Well 6 years later and I still have not gone back to renew it so I can actually have my drivers license. I do feel like a failure but being a mommy was my number one priority. Now pregnant with my second I definitely need to do things for myself and my children this time around. Good luck!
04.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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