Chelsea Maynard
Chelsea Maynard
Anyone have any helpful tips for helping my milk supply? It's only been a couple weeks since I gave birth but when I pump sometimes I get a lot and then sometimes it's nothing...

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Thanks @taybugg40 and@wiccanmommy! I went and got some lactation cookies and I've started pumping right after he eats :) I appreciate the support!!!
03.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
But pumping after feeds helped me too. At first it don't seem like you get anything because baby takes it all but over time from constantly doing it. You will be shocked how much fuller you will start to feel! Oh and look up lactation cookies! They are really good!
03.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Agree with @wiccanmommy. Your supply constantly changes with babies needs. And BIG tip. If it seems like your baby is eatting more and constantly all day don't freek out. They are just having a growth Spert and will cluster feed. My soon did this a lot. I thought I wasn't producing enough but here I was fine and he was just cluster feeding. As long as baby is growing/ healthy you have nothing to worry about ☺️ my son is 5 months and I exclusively breast feed and I still have moments where I barley pump a once out of a boob!
03.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
your milk changes constantly. the only sure thing is to feed or pump more, but remember just because you don't pump a lot does not mean you don't have a good supply.
03.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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