I'm nearly 3 weeks into breastfeeding my newborn and I'm starting to have a really hard time with it... mainly emotionally. I feel like she's not getting enough to satisfy herself so she's constantly wanting to feed and I'm emotionally worn down and exhausted from it... my husband sees that I'm really having a difficult time and I hate to say it but I'm really starting to dislike it. I know it's the best thing for her... I don't know what to do. my husband keeps telling me to quit but my mom keeps pressuring me to stick with it. I'm not struggling with postpartum but I feel like that's what it's leading to...
First of all I commend you for breastfeeding.. it's hard work ! I felt the same exact way..don't feel bad...and I did it alone with no help and recovering from a cesarean.! You've gotta take control and set a schedule for your baby to feed that way you've got baby on a set routine and it'll get easier I promise !! I've successfully breastfed my son for two years now and the benefits are great👍 You've gotta keep track of the time when baby is hungry...usually when babies frequently feed more and sleep less it's because their not full . Pump bottles and keep them refrigerated for those times you want a break have Gramma or daddy take the load off you and feed LO while you eat sleep or do chores!! Babies sleep 4-5 hours outta whack so just remember it's all about keeping track of the time when your LO is hungry and feed that baby till LO is fully satisfied! Tank baby up a nighttime feedings before bed and baby will sleep longer in the am. I'm no professional but like you I was at the edge crying and damn near postpartum due to my surgery and no family help...but it'll get better! Have some medela cream for your dried cracked nipples it's a miracle. Good luck sweetie!!!!
01.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
it's called cluster feeding. it happens every few weeks when the baby is having a growth spurt. that means your baby is growing well and you are both doing exactly what you are supposed to. keep up the good work mama
I honestly don't really like breastfeeding but I do it for my daughter but it gets so so frustrating when that happens. It feels like with my daughter she's eating every 1 1/2 and feedings take about 20-30 minutes so feels like you just fed. My boobs hurt my nipples get sore and I take lactation cookies and drink mothers milk and feels like sometimes my supply is low or slowing down. I have post partum depression as well so it doesn't make it any easier. I hear the first month is the hardest and today my girl is 5 weeks old but at times still gets hard. Your not alone.
I understand what you're going through. My babe is 10 weeks and for the past week has been on the boob every waking moment. I know it's the first step in a growth spurt but, I like you am drained and ready to call it quits. She just woke up from a 45 minute nap, I know she's going to be hungry... I don't want to pick her up but It's just me so I have to. I just want to cry and sleep.
Set a goal of 6 weeks then reevaluate. That what I did, 6 weeks turned to 3 months turned to almost 6 months and now my new goal is a year! You'll be so thankful later when you don't have bottles to wash and lug around with you! 3 weeks is so hard because your hormones are starting to freak out because baby is out, sleep deprivation is starting to kick in, and baby is starting to wake longer. But if you can make it 6 weeks you're going to be golden!
3 weeks is a huge growth spurt too! I remember it seemed like my LO was nursing nonstop at that age! But it gets better I promise! And honestly thinking about having to make and heat up bottles and wash them is pretty good motivation to keep going!
try the mothers tea too help you make more milk if u feel she is not getting enough I think oatmeal helps too you can google alot of things for it. they have cookies too.
Don't give up mommy. That's exactly how I felt with my baby she's now about to turn 3 months old & still breastfeeding it's normal if she wants to feed constantly. Remember breastmilk is digested quicker than formula and breastmilk has more benefits. My baby hasn't gotten sick at all. Your baby might be going through a growth spurt. It's totally normal don't worry.