Needing Major Advice!!

my boss has been trying to fall pregnant for over a year, had lots of tests and specialist appointments now shes just been told the only way she can fall is thru IVF. shes absolutely guttered and has taken time off to deal with her news.... ive been trying for 6-7 months and have fallen and am now nearly 7 weeks. i have no idea how to break the news to her gently?? shes already so fragile? i have to tell her the news this week coming as she has a month off! pleaseee help!!

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I'm new on here and just realising most of the posts are quite old.
Yeah that's completely understandable that
you felt you had to tell her face to face but I'm glad you waited it out first. Congratulations by the way😄
As for your boss try not to hold it against her i guess, it must be hard being in her shoes.
so when are you due?
18.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
thats ok @poppyt .. i did tell her replacement but i felt i needed to tell her face to face... i told her at 12 weeks and shes been a bit icy towards me ever since ...
18.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
woops just realised the date on this post 😕
18.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Won't your boss have a fill in for when she's aways? I'm just thinking 7 weeks is too early to be telling your boss and if she's taking leave then tell the person who is covering for her when it's time to do so maybe after your first trimester. This way you don't have to break the news to her while she's fragile...
18.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
yeaa, my boss was trying IVF for months with no luck, i wasn't even trying amd fell pregnant, i was doing relief work there, needless to say i haven't been called in for any work since i told them i was pregnant 😂
wasn't fun but i couldn't really hide it forever & as far as she knew i had no odea about her baby situation sooo yea.
14.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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