I'm trying for my third child, my first two were both c-section during scheduled inductions for baby being overdue then complications resulting in having c-section both times,I'm very nervous going into a third pregnancy and acing yet another c-section....has none had 3+ c-section or had a v-bac after two+c-section with no prior vag births

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Generally after having 2 c sections they won't even allow u to try for a vaginal birth. There's to much scar tissue and they don't want to chance u rupturing it and causing more complications I've had 4 c sections and I know they will have to take this one the same way. I'd love to have a vaginal birth but no Dr will allow me to do that unfortunately.
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I know that if they need to they can give you hormones and do a couple other things to soften your cervix to help your body naturally go into labor rather than using pitocin. So if they think your baby is going to be big and they want you induced, they could do those alternatives instead. I just don't know about TOLAC after two c-sections or two c-sections with no previous vaginal birth. I know that just because you haven't had a vaginal birth before doesn't mean it's an automatic no or impossibility. I know that attempting a VBAC becomes a lot riskier after the second c-section either way because where they cut before is a lot thinner than the rest of your uterus, so the chance of a uterine rupture increases (that's why they won't use pitocin). I just hope we can both hear good news! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too.😊
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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