so my 3 yr old son keeps waking up in the morning around 2:30 am and doesn't go back to sleep til I leave for work at 5am but now he grabs a picture frame I have of me and my bf idk why haven't asked him just yell at him for taking it because he can break it on accident and cut him self I think it's cute he hugs it and says its his and my bf is not his bio dad either so it just seems weird he has been doing that lately any ideas ladies?

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Sometimes it's like that (sad to say) not all men are great dads sometimes it takes another great man to be present in your child's life... @browneyez2113
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yea I was thinking that get one of the smaller copies I have because he has visiting time with his real dad and everything but has a good bonding time with my bf he doesn't live with us yet but he asks more about him then his actual dad @joblack kind of sad but I don't blame him if his dad makes every excuse to not see him
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Get a copy of the pic and put it in a plastic frame and give it to him .... Make it special
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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