I started my son as a newborn because he was having such a hard time keeping formula in his mouth due to a lip and tongue tie so I started putting cereal in probably when he was about 3 weeks. he's doing great to this day and we just started baby food he'll be 5 months on the 8th
I did at 2 months. In his bottle because of reflux. Solids we started at 5 months because my family said he wasn't ready even though we should've started rice or oatmeal on a spoon at 4 months. He hasn't been into solids much since. He's kind of a fussy baby. Teething hasn't been kind to us either
@jaxonsmommy03, my pediatrician told me not to start her when I did too, you know your child better than the doctor does. I was having to feed my daughter every hour so I knew she was ready.