Moms, so I have a problem.. My little one is almost two months old and dependent on her swing to sleep.. its a swing where shes almost laying down so there isnt a risk of her head falling forward or anything.. Anyway, she either sleeps in her swing or next to me after shes done nursing at night.. she also naps in her swing during the day.. she refuses to take a pacifier and also hates to be swaddled because she loves her arms out and up by her face and is a very warm baby so she sweats easily! I know sleeping in swings is not good at all but its the only way she can sleep without instantly waking or being beside me which im not a fan of either.. Anyone have suggestions as I start back to work soon and she wont have her swing at the baby sitters and I would love to break this nasty habit and get her into her crib or bassinet! SOS!
addition: I dont believe in crying it out, so letting her cry herself to sleep isnt an option either :/

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@ash_505, my son slept in the rock n play because he had reflux. But it is kinda like the swing because of the way it keeps them feeling snug & secure. There are several options when you shop for one. The basic one is just the rock n play, you can make it "rock" with your foot or hand. The fancier ones plug into the wall and it rocks by its self. My son slept in it until he has about 6-7 months old.
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
ill check it out! How long are they in those for?! does it move?! i cant figure out if its the postion of the swing shes all bundled in there and feels secure or the motion of it! @harranmommy
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son loved sleeping in a rock n play. I don't know what I would have done without it!
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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