@raquel7, I went to L&D for everything I was pregnant with my first and they understood. Dont feel bad for going if you feel like something is wrong then definitely go. I was having a lot of pressure over a weekend but I thought I'd just tuff it out and wait to tell my doctor that Tuesday. I wasn't going to say anything but I did and sure enough I was dilated to a 3cm this early. I would definitely go just to make sure everything is ok
Maybe try to calll your Dr and see what they say. This pregnancy was my first and I was having contractions... kept going in thinking we were getting to the real thing and sent back home. It sucked. Went in and expected to be sent home and had my son 10 hours later. Better safe than sorry. I hated being sent home time after time. I felt like an idiot and hated the "first pregnancy you don't know what's normal" crap but it was true... you have to experience it to know.