ok thanks @anandashamion i actually though with the transvaginal they see more but maybe its a diff one your talking about? or i could be wrong lol. idk at the hospital theyr like oh this will help us see better. i guess I'll wait and see😊😊
It really just depends on what kind of ultrasound they do. This was done with the normal one where they get the visual from outside of your belly and this was when I did my genetic testing but when I go to see my midwife they use the machine that they insert into your vag and those pics are a little less clear you can really only see the shapes. So it really all just depends I guess. @heera
awwwwww thats your little one at 12 weeks??? your baby looks so cute. and that pic is so clear. i was thinking i wouldnt be able to see so well at 12 weeks i had both of mine later than that lol idk. i wana go have one at like 10 weeks but not sure if they'll be able to get a good pic or not😒😳