Does anyone have tips for getting baby to open their mouth wide before latching on? My son was latching just fine in the hospital, and now he won't open his mouth wide enough and his lower lip doesn't stick out like it's supposed to. He just wants to latch onto the nipple and I'm in so much pain 😩 & I spent all of my days in the hospital talking to/ working with lactation consultants. I dread feeding him and I really want to enjoy these moments with him.
The lactation consultant gave me her number when I worked with her in the hospital so I'll be giving her a call. We actually just had a feeding session and it seemed to be a little better, so here's to hoping! @kaylamcclellan
@tlanes, can you look for an organization close to home or call hospital. It's literally the hardest thing to do and I cried the first few days we were home because she would t latch either.
I try to do that as well.. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.. He gets so fussy and shakes his head back and forth and shoves his hands in his mouth 😔 @kaylamcclellan
You're right. I don't even know why I didn't think of that, lol. I think it was easier in the hospital because I had to wake him up to feed cause he was so sleepy. Now he wakes up on his own but it's harder because he gets frantic, so I get stressed and then he latches all wrong, but I want him fed so I push through the pain. @wiccanmommy
try feeding before he gets fussy. as soon a you see mouth movement or starting to stir, change his diaper and place him up to you. if you can catch him before he is frantic it will be easier
I try to. I should also mention that he gets all frantic and fussy when he's hungry so he's flailing all over the place which makes it even harder. 😔 @wiccanmommy