I'm definitely going because it hurts really bad I can't walk and I just peed again and dirty water or peed came out again. @lovemiithree @landynsmommie18 @gab044
I'd call your obgyn if it looked like dirty water they might want you to come in because your water could've broken and I've read if it's dirty looking or has a smell it could be because of meconium from your baby. I'd definitely call though.
I'm a first time mom so I don't know if I should go to the hospital or wait because now when I go peed it kind looks like blood is coming out with my peed .@rockysmommy, @landynsmommie18
I don't know but around 11 something was having really bad pain like menstrual cramps and like 11:30 felt something warm coming out and went to the restroom and something came out than peed but when I got up it look like dirty water instead of peed and since 11:40 I've been having really really bad cramping . @landynsmommie18 @rockysmommy