Im 27 weeks and I started bleeding heavy last Saturday. I was rushed to the hospital and put on fluids and couldn't leave the bed. They did an ultrasound to check on baby and he was fine. They said my placenta was low and I had placenta previa but when I went to my doctor after I got out of the ER 2 days later I got another ultrasound and they showed me where my placenta isn't low at all, in fact it's in the perfect place. They still could not tell me what caused the bleeding. I was so afraid because they gave me steroid shots to mature the baby lungs in case they had to do an emergency c-section. The bleeding has stopped. Although it didn't stop at once. It gradually stopped and started becoming darker (indication of old blood). As of now my son is 2 lbs and 2 oz. I pray he stay at least another 10 weeks. Any other moms shared a similar scare?