@momma1416, my Dr asked me if I wanted to at my very first appointment and then yesterday she asked me why I had a c-section with my daughter and then that was it. she didn't say anything about it. I have insurance through the military though
I can't do it vaginally this time due to hernia surgery I had not even a year ago in my belly button. I have mesh there and the extra strain of pushing scares me :/
this is my third child and the first two was vaginally. this one is a planned csection and Dr said he doesn't schedule anything before 39 weeks because due date can be off up to two weeks and wants to make sure baby is mature enough. I told him what if I go into labor before then because my body knows what to do this is my third time and he said no big deal... call hospital and let them know. they will get Dr there while I'm on my way and will be set up when I get there. he said he can have baby out in five minutes from incision and he isnt worried about it at all. but... I have had mine scheduled since 28 weeks.
my labor wasn't horrible. I just wasn't dilating past 5cm. and my water was already broken so I agreed to have a c-section since I was in labor for 24 hours already @countrymama166
You can talk to them about it at your next appontment my c section was due to preeclampsia an three days of labor and pushing and she was head down but face up so they did a emergency c section and they asked me my first appintment if I wanted to try a v bac or repeat c section so I decided to go with repeat c section since my labor was horrible last time
well I had a c-section with my daughter because of failure to progress past 5cm and yesterday it sounded like my doctor wanted me to have a c-section this time as well.