Is it normal to feel a little bummed out when u hear a gender of a baby like don't get me wrong in happy no matter boy or girl I just really want a daughter and not a another son I'm jealous of all those moms with such beautiful daughters
Sounds like the man upstairs wants your future princess to have extra protection from two big brothers ♡ it's okay to be sad I had a friend that cried everytime she saw anything girly until after she had her son, he was about a month or two old before she realized her little boy was more than enough and she appreciated every single aspect of his adorable little self, she ended up getting her little girl 3 years later. I was jealous of my friend for having a boy, seems like everyone on my fb that's pregnant is having a boy, and one of my coworkers is having a boy, it makes me feel a little better that they all wanted girls lol as long as your baby is healthy I'm sure once you have him you'll forget about how bad you wanted a girl
It took me a couple of days to adjust to finding out about my baby girl because I was so convinced and ready for a boy! But now I'm so happy and couldn't imagine it another way. It's totally normal
defintley normal i have a boy already... and I wanted to have another boy and my husband wanted a girl so did everyone one else... when i found out it was a boy I felt so dissapointed... idk why
Well @princessalaynasmommy I know I'm have another boy and I have been very jealous of the moms with girls I've have 4 ultrasounds already and idk I'm still a little bummed
Not at all. I was sad at first when we found out we were having a boy since I always had my girl name picked out and envisioned having a girl. But since then have embraced and now SO happy for a boy. it will just take an adjustment (:
I wanted a boy soooooooo bad. By the end of the day that I found out I was pumped about having a girl, now I'm even more excited. It just takes a minute to set in that you didn't get your way, but once you really think about it your heart will explode just looking at the sonos of the little hands and feet and face regardless of what it is. I almost feel guilty that I wasn't jumping for joy or crying when he said girl.