@mommyof3littleones, @jessica0830 ahhhh that's scary. I don't want to have my babies just yet. hopefully my doctor can tell me something. my husband been wanting to call an ambulance. I'm like don't do that. I'll tell you if I need to. I rather drive to the hospital. with this pregnancy, he's saying nope, he'll call an ambulance if anything happens. My doctors right up the street as well. only thing that sucks is she's closed on the weekends and I can't talk to her on the weekends. I don't want to go to the hospital unless it's definitely necessary. I went so much with my first born during my last week of pregnantcy. I was sent home everytime for not be dialated enough.
@mommyof3littleones, I'm curious about the same thing. I'm high-risk pregnant with twins. my induction date is at 36 weeks, and twins are sometimes born earlier. Saturday night, I had a little bit of yellow on my panty liner. when I wiped it was a little stretchy and yellow. a small tint of pink. I haven't had it again. I'm calling my doctor on Monday. the further along I get, my stomach and bladder hurts. which doctor says is normal. I'm small, it's my second pregnancy, so there's alot more round ligament pains, and heavier on my pelvis, and bladder. with my first born I never had a mucus plug, or I atleast didn't notice one.