Carissa Dabbs
Carissa Dabbs
Sorry for the long post! Okay. My SO is aloud to be friends with females, and talk to females, because I trust that he knows what's appropriate and what's not, and I trust him. There is only ONE female that I don't let him talk to or have anything to do with because she has tried from the very beginning of our relationship to break us up because she hates me. Well my SO has had an instagram for a while and I never really got into anything but Facebook, but I figured I would give it a try today and made an account. I followed him on there and went to look at his followers and people he follows and the first person to pop us was the ONE GIRL I don't want him speaking to. I deleted my instagram and I told my SO I'm upset and he thinks I'm being stupid. Am I in the wrong for getting upset?

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Nope ig carries a lot of problems u r right to get upset
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't know, I deleted instagram so I can't see. I haven't spoken to him in over 2 hours either.
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
oohh see that's not good he's testing your trust just like certain men would do , he could've followed her or she followed him depending on if his page is private or not mines private so I know who requests to follow me but if its not private it'll just pop up as a notification that someone has followed you but still in all he doesn't need her on there idk girl did he ever take her off?
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I deleted it so I can't get back on there, but We have been together for almost 3 years and he has only had instagram for maybe a month
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
if it were me I'd be creeping on his page to see if she commented on any of his photos since yall been together if it was before y'all got together and she commented on one of his photos I would kinda blow that off or tell him to delete the comments
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
no girl you're not overreacting you told him from the get go you don't want him being friends with her and having to keep her on Instagram I'd be upset too me and my fiance had problems like that so we deleted fb and made an Instagram together and we both enjoy it ! I doubt he's talking to her on Instagram cause he could've forgotten to take her off that if he's not on it often but if you confronted him and he called you stupid for that that's disrespectful as hell and he needs to block her he could've said things differently like okay babe well ill take her off not calling you stupid! ugh men sometimes I don't think your overreacting I'd flip my top over that tbh
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've always trusted him and never said anything about anyone he talks to, I let him talk to who he wants, so it's weird that he would get mad over this one girl @1sttimemummy
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyhorton16, definitely! if my SO were to get defensive about it I would absolutely think something was going on. but, I'm also working on getting over jealousy issues so I know a lot of other people would think differently. :/
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I thought maybe I was over reacting, but his reaction kind of made me wonder what he has going on. @1sttimemummy
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I didn't freak out on him or throw a fit. I just told him that it bothered me and he got pissed and told me I'm being stupid. Now I can't help but wonder of there's more going on than he is letting on.
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Nope! I would be pissed too!
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think you have a right to be upset
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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