It's amazing it'll take a few hours for your pictures to download to shutterfly but once they are there there is no limit and you can delete from phone. I just ordered like 85 photos and it was 12$ and I got a free magnet the other day with my baby on it and just paid shipping which was 4$ @31knightsfbmommy
I use shutterfly it's amazing you download your pictures on the app and then it backs them up so you never lose them so you can delete from phone. And you can also order the pictures on shutterfly to develop them and they have all kinds of deals like sometimes free magnets, unlimited photo prints and you only pay shipping! @31knightsfbmommy
load your pictures to a USB that way if your computer crashes you have a backup. It's what my aunt does and she has pictures of me from when me and my siblings was itty-bitty.