Summer Jefferies
Summer Jefferies
okay so I need some prayer, my daughter fell off my bed Sunday she had a bump on the side of her head but acted fine called the doc and everything swelling went down then today it was the worst swelling ! and she had only had a half a bottle until like 2 and one pee diaper. we ended up getting a head CT and found out she has a skull fracture so we were transferred to the children's hospital, we are being kept over night for observations. doc said prolly won't need a CT scan in the morning but is it too much to ask to get another CT before we leave??

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@shelby021, I'm sure your baby is good :) they are radiant ! They say usually after three days your in the clear.
14.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
My baby fell out the bed after I stepped out for a second to run her bath water but didn't cry. I think my purse broke the fall but she was fine and everything but we kept her up just in case and the red spot went a way and didn't come back..I'm still checking her even though it was a week ago.
14.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@summerrae, its not to much to ask. I'm sure they will understand if you ask them to do another. Praying for a fast recovery for your little girl. 🎀
14.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
prayers mama.... I would talk to the Dr's about getting another one
14.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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