my son's been on it pretty much his entire life :/ hrs 4 months old and it's gotten worse, but he had pyloric stenosis at 7 weeks and had the surgery, so you may want to keep an eye out for that too
my son was on it for a month. they told me 3 times a day but i started with twice a day after 2 weeks once a day & now he doesn't use it all at. i used it while pregnant & he's fine but it helped us both so much.
@sarahemccormick, thank you so much for sharing! I have been really stressing over starting the medicine. Last night we had our first projectile vomiting experience. It was awful and terrifying. I hate the thought of medicating so early, but I'm going to start today. I hope your little man continues to feel better!
My son just started it last night. Helped SO much I cant even tell you. Last night was the firdt night he didn't violently spit up! In fact, he didn't spit up at all from 11 PM till 9 this morning!