yeah I'm having light contractions they hurt but are no where near close @theylove_fani so I'm hoping when I lay down they get stronger and I can go in tonight
Well he said it wasn't really an option for me, so I just need others opinions to make sure he isn't just inducing me for it to be convenient for him because some doctors are like that. Thanks for all the advice and answers (: @abonneau @supermommy31082 @ashley07
Also, depending on how you and baby are health wise your Dr will either approve of you wanting to wait to be induced or not if that's what you'd like to do. They may just ask to see you more often to make sure everything is fine with your fluid levels and such
It really depends on your pain tolerance @theylove_fani I've heard other mamas say when they were induced it was more painful than when they went into labor naturally. Of course child birth is different for everyone but for me personally getting induced wasn't that bad. I asked to wait to be induced because I wanted to see if I could go into labor naturally, of course that didn't work lol
I asked my doctor if it made it more painful and he said no, so I'm just like its my first kid how would I know it isn't supposed to be that horrible😩 @supermommy31082 and I'm honestly scared to wait that long because of so much stuff that can happen @abonneau
well my water never broke but they don't break your water until your dialated so far likey daughter was so dam stubborn I went in labor cause I was in horrible pain but my contractions slowed down and then they have me the meds yo start my contractions back up and that's when they broke my water once I was dialated enough can't remember how far but yeah they try and speed the process but it does hurt more cause when my water just broke with my son my labor wasn't that painful or long that's why I'm trying to have my son on my own I say I wanna be induced but I remember that dam pain and I'm hoping it don't come to that
He hasn't said anything about a csection so I'm assuming he's doing the first option but I was wondering if they start with breaking your water, how it would feel when they do that, and if it kind of helps to be a little dilated before they induce @ashley07 @supermommy31082
it depends oh how u need to be induced I was a week late so they wanted to jump start my contractions with potocin but I know some people are set for c sections and all that so it really depends on what your Dr recommends and why