29 wks!! Question does this sound like my baby should be head down in position? I know they said it would cause more pressure, but I have been peeing a lot!! ex: I went to take a shower peed before I got in, then had to get out and pee 6 times while I was in the shower for maybe 30 mins, then had to pee again once I was done. and it wasn't just like a little pee but like a normal one. just curious if that was a sign?

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I didn't even think of a uti! @emma1629 @motherlotus @jrsmommy312. It could be. The one I had hit out of no where so I don't know much about them. except when I get them they burn. bad. that sounds like baby is down. idk about the uti part. but the rest sounds how I feel. and they did an ultrasound about two weeks ago so I know that's what mine is.
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@motherlotus I had a UTI last month, but last Monday they said I don't when I asked.
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyt16 I'm 29 weeks today, my Dr hasn't checked me in office, so I'm trying to guess lol. I hope he is. I feel most of his movements in my lower area, including his hiccups. I have a lot of pressure down there as well.
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Either baby is on your bladder or you could be experiencing a UTI. I have been super fearful of UTIs though cause I just got over my second one in a month so every symptom I'm like.... Get checked.. Lol
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
My baby has been head down and inching towards my cervix since about 25 weeks. So it's possible. (it's what it sounds like to me!)
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
No, baby is just on your bladder probably
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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