It was such a long process. I got induced 37 weeks 5 days because my baby was really small-- 5lbs 3 oz and my placenta wasn't transporting enough nutrients so we were afraid of that getting worse and he was more on the safe side of coming out so doctor decided that was the best thing to do. I was in labor for over 30+ hours, it was so tough on me. But once I got the epidural everything got so much better.. It just made the labor go slower.. It took me long to dilate and etc.. But honestly it's not that bad, once you hold your baby in your arms you forget everything and it makes it all so worth it! Plus, some people get induced and have their baby in 5 hours, others take 30 hours like me.. It really depends on the person and how your body reacts to it
low blood count, blood pressure keeps spiking, shes very very small (5th percentile) and my my family has a bad history of preeclampsia, and kidney failure durring pregnany. So my Dr decided that it may not be safe for me or her to carry past 37 weeks