34 weeks to the dot and suddenly felt like contractions started tonight. I'm hoping this is just false labor. Not sure what's going on 😕 anyone else going through this? Prayers would be great, thank you!
Thanks @aidensmommy! That gives me some peace of mind. I had about 3 in a row, and maybe like 5-10 minutes apart. After that I just felt kind of like I had cramps. This morning I almost feel kind of sore/slightly crampy on the lowest part of my belly. I think I'm just going to take it easy today.
how often does it happen ? if it's like a few times within an hour or so it's just braxton Hicks. I get those a lot, I'm 37 weeks. I've actually gone to the hospital twice for them but they said my cervix is still thick. Contractions will be minutes apart so says my doctor. so just count how far apart they are.