jennipher solis
jennipher solis
Who's babies throw tantrums and what did you do. My daughter seems to be throwin her self on the bed lately.

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i just dont like her throwing herself. she does it while shes sitting on my tummy and i dont want her falling on the floor. but she can be cute lol @hellosweetie
09.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Hahaha no worries mama, she's just a drama queen 😂 she is just figuring out that crying gets your attention, and she thinks it's funny to get a reaction out of you lol she'll get over it and find something else that interests her soon enough, my girl fake coughed for a while to get attention but she got over it LOL
09.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
and then when i left her there she started again..
09.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
as much as id like to say your probably right. shes fake cried, threw herself out of my arms onto the bed. and then looked at me smiled and laughed when i went to pick her up. i have a tiny monster... @hellosweetie @mommastone
09.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I agree with @mommastone, she is most likely going through a developmental change or growth spurt, they get extra cranky during these times, but definitely for some kinda of reason! She may be tired, hungry, bored, having growing pains, teething pains, feeling lonely or scared, or maybe the world looks different to her all the sudden because of a developmental leap and it is upsetting! There's many reasons she would throw a fit and be fussy, my suggestion is go for the obvious stuff first and if nothing seems to be helping, just give her extra cuddles and be patient, it will pass in a week or two 😁 It's rough, but you got this mama! Also definitely download the wonder weeks app, all you do is enter in her original due date and it will tell you where she's at in her development right now and can give to a heads up when she's gonna be in a fussy period! It's pretty accurate to the day, too!
09.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
She needs something. At that age there is always a reason, not really having a tantrum. I say hug her and figure out what she needs. Sometimes it is just a leap(wonder weeks ap) or mental development and they are most fussiest then. It passes. It may be that way for a week or two.
09.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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