Having my baby shower at 27 weeks, so I have time to get everything the baby may need after the shower and finish getting everything together for her arrival! What do you Mommas think?
I'm doing mine at 28 weeks. I don't want to deal with getting everything ready for him at the last minute because I'm still gonna be working too. I think it will be less stressful @brooklynnkay
@poiiiisonivey, yeah we have the crib already, a bookshelf that we transformed for some clothes in her room already, we've just been sitting aside money for things we may need after the shower! And that having it early gives us plenty of time! So I don't care that people are telling me it's too early I do not want to stress myself out
@brooklynnkay, yeah, I feel ya! I want to go ahead and buy big stuff (crib, stroller, etc.) but some of our family has already said they were gonna go in together to get a big gift! I just want everything here and ready already lol