Simone Levien
Simone Levien
Sometimes I feel like I'm being crazy about what others consider "little" things when it comes to my baby…I constantly check product guides on and search for the healthiest versions of baby products for literally everything and rolls act like I'm being crazy or bourgeois because I prefer diapers without bleach and formula without palm oil and chemicals.

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Well of you have any questions let me know, in actuality MOST women are perfectly able to produce enough, the problem lies in the education, many doctors and nurses only take up to 3 hour courses on breastfeeding and that's it, so their info is often wrong, and many women try introducing bottles too soon (pumping doesn't keep your supply up like the baby does), and also many women confuse signs of cluster feeding, growth spurts, comfort nursing, and more as a sign that they aren't producing enough, when in reality breastfed babies often eat every 1 to 3 hours and can sometimes want to stay latched for hours on end lol my point is, keep positive and educate yourself on breastfeeding as much as you can, and seek support when you need it because it is natural, but it doesn't always come naturally to us! For instance I had horrible latch issues with my girl for the first 2 months, but with research, patience and persistence we managed to keep going without any bottles or pacifiers, she's now 7 months old! Also, even if you're doing well you will have bad days sometimes, and that formula will look mighty tempting, but if you give in that can be a slippery slope and can end in your supply taking a dive because your breasts aren't getting the signal to make more.....sorry a lot to take in, just saying be careful! Formula is truly a blessing for those who need it, but it can damage a breastfeeding relationship when it is used when you don't really need it!
07.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hellosweetie, I plan on breastfeeding however I know that not every woman is able to produce milk and some encounter other issues so it's good to have a plan B just in case and I'm a planner so I did a ton of research on the "bad stuff" so just in case I ordered a week or so supply of HIPP/Baby's Only just in case I encounter any issues that way I don't have to stress or fall in the depression a lot of women fall into when they are unable to breastfeed
07.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
What @hellosweetie said! 👍🏻❤️
07.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
You can avoid unwanted chemicals in formula altogether if you breastfeed when the baby arrives! Not bashing formula and I won't push it if you already plan to formula feed for whatever reasons, just know that breast milk has SO MANY health benefits for mama and baby and it is an ever-evolving, perfect food for babies that changes depending on their needs! If you ever have any questions, let me know, I am always a cheerleader for those who wish to breastfeed or are having problems breastfeeding, and I love to help out when I can 😊
07.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
My SO thought I was crazy for wantog to make my own baby food and wanting to breast feed for at least the first 6 months but now that I've told him the reasons why he completely understands and agrees with me.
07.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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