OK. well I am glad that you cared enough to look into how far along I am. however they are not "letting" me have the baby, I have to have her whenever she decides she is ready to be here. BUT there's nothing wrong with me bouncing on a birthing ball to help make the process a bit easier for us.
I see..just when I asked my OB if I would be delivering early she was like oh my god no just because the baby is measuring big doesn't mean they are fully developed. Lungs take so long! Hope your baby is healthy either way 💙
the first ultrasound you got which was when they gave the due date, is the most accurate. most babies measure big late in the pregnancy but that doesn't mean they're developed all the way, size means nothing. and they are letting you try to have the baby almost two months before the due date?! I'm sorry but your ob must be stupid or something because that's just crazy and they obviously don't know how to do their job correctly. a few posts ago you said that you were 34w instead of 32w and then the post after that said you were 36w instead of 32w, so I'm assuming you don't know what your talking about either.
both me and baby girl are measuring at 36 weeks as of last Thursday. since we don't really know the official date of my last period the due date they originally gave me (may 26) was as close as we could get it until she started to grow bigger. but she's happy and healthy in my belly for now so that's all that matters to us.