I'm planning to work till the middle of September (due October 17) but that's just a goal and hubby is super supportive if I decide to be done earlier. I'm self employed so it's pretty easy to change my time off. I think the last month will be nice to make meals and finish prepping for babes arrival. And to relax!!!
I'm planning to go off 4 weeks before my due date. take some time for long naps and relaxing. as well as doing meal prep freezer meals for when little one arrives. :)
I was taken off work 3 months early because of my blood pressure... I didn't mind, more time to do things other then work. lol and I ended up being hospitalized a week after getting off work and 2 weeks later giving birth lol ... 31 weeks and 3 days 👌 take a little time off work, you never know how beneficial it is. Everything is gonna come so fast !
oh wow. yea I just found out I can't carry my vacation leave over to tack onto the END of mat leave so hellooo 4 weeks of vacay before the baby is here! (working on winning the lottery so I never have to go back, ever) 😊
I went off work on medical leave 5 weeks before my due date. I was originally going to work till 2 days before my due date. good thing I didn't since baby was 5 days early