Hi Mommies ! So I had a quick question it need advice if anyone can relate . Today I had my Dr appointment I'm 33 weeks and turning 34 weeks Friday. I've two week ago I was measuring bigger and I found today I'm measuring at 39 weeks . When I was pregnant with my two year old I was also measuring big but not compared to this pregnancy. I was only measuring about two weeks more with my first son . So I was curious to know what can be some of the reasons ? I was tested for gestational diabetes and did the 3 hour testing and everything was fine including all my testing and blood work have been good. It just has me really worried I hope and pray I'm just going to have a healthy baby. I have a routine ultrasound Monday so I'll find out more info but just wanted to hear some of your thoughts and advice .

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Aww thanks Ladies I really appreciate your replies and advice .
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
When they say measuring ahead, it's just the size of your belly total, so it doesn't necessarily mean your baby is that much bigger. It could be a little extra amniotic fluid, or your baby could be developing normally and just be a bit bigger. Plus with second pregnancies and beyond, your uterus stretches more quickly than before, so your body may have already stretched for baby even if he's not that big yet. I'd hold off on worrying just yet ;)
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@marcella1316, I wouldn't be concerned at all of the doctor isn't! Everyone grows differently that's why that an approx not exact measurement
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
You should be fine, as long as the dr isn't saying anything then the baby is just fine.
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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