My daughter's latch looks great but I can feel her gumming my nipples. It gets so painful that I'm in tears by the end of a feed. We use a nipple shield sometimes and I've been pumping so we can supplement with bottles, but I hate it. I really wanted to be able to breastfeed her. I'm trying really hard not to give up, but it's getting so stressful. Has anyone else dealt with this before?

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How old is baby? I just had my girl march 20th and I planned on ebf... but the first 3 days after leaving the hospital, I went through hell! My nipples cracked and bled and every night I was yelling and crying when she latched and so scared when it was time to feed. As those days went by I noticed my nips doing a metamorphosis practically, as they started not to hurt anymore and all the old skin that was on my nipples was gone and a new stronger skin came about . now bf is no problem but I was definitely ready to give up night 1. luckily she was getting proper milk since my supply came immediately but it definitely takes patience and determination. I'm wishing you the very best!
06.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@aightgoddess, this looks like close to what I do. Stuff the top of the areola in the mouth
06.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@thehoneybunny, are you talking about the "flipple" technique or something like this? ссылка Maybe this could help @kad2015
06.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kad2015, that's my problem as well, he's a champ in public but as soon as we get home it's like it never happened!
06.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
... Good latch, she was not getting enough is the areola in her mouth. I fixed it by holding the breast in between my first and second finger pulling the nipple into the areola
06.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was having the same problem on my left side. I figured out even thought she is getting a good psych
06.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@aightgoddess, I saw 3 different lactation consultants in the hospital and they were able to help me when they tried for a while but as soon as I was on my own, it was just as terrible :( I hope you have better luck
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think we're going through the same thing! I can get what looks like a good latch but a few minutes in and I know it's not right...I'm going back to a lactation consultant for the third time next week and a ENT to look into him having a tongue tie. :/ It's frustrating when all you wanted was to breastfeed and problem after problem keeps popping up.
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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